$tr="en tant que triste:<br>";
$he="en tant que heureu:<br>";
$resultinfos2=mysql_query("select count(*)as toto,cote,ki from smi_tombo where cote=1 and ki like ".$su." group by ki order by toto desc limit 0,5");
while(list($i1,$i2,$i3 ) = mysql_fetch_array($resultinfos2))
if ($i2==1) $tr.="$i3 : $i1 frags<br>"; else $he.="$i3 : $i1 frags<br>";
$resultinfos2=mysql_query("select count(*)as toto,cote,ki from smi_tombo where cote=2 and ki like ".$su." group by ki order by toto desc limit 0,5");
while(list($i1,$i2,$i3 ) = mysql_fetch_array($resultinfos2))
if ($i2==1) $tr.="$i3 : $i1 frags<br>";
else $he.="$i3 : $i1 frags<br>";
$resultfc = mysql_query("SELECT nom,x,y,jeton,pv,pvmax,pa,pd,XP FROM smi_perso where 1 and nom like ".$su." ");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($resultfc);
$nomm = $row[0];
$x = $row["x"]; $y = $row["y"]; $jeton = $row["jeton"]; $pv = $row["pv"]; $pvmax = $row["pvmax"]; $pa = $row["pa"]; $xp = $row["XP"]; $pd = $row["pd"];
$msg.="$nomm<hr>$tr<br>$he<hr>Vie: <b>$pv</b>/$pvmax<br>attaque: <b>$pa</b><br>defense: <b>$pd</b><br>XP: <b>$xp</b>";
if ($xp>0){
$msg.="<hr>convertir votre experience<br><a href=calculateur.php?nums=$nums&act=xp1> en récupération de 10 points de vie</a><br>
<a href=calculateur.php?nums=$nums&act=xp2>Gain de 1 point de vie max</a><br>
<a href=calculateur.php?nums=$nums&act=xp3>Gain en attaque +1</a><br>
<a href=calculateur.php?nums=$nums&act=xp4>Gain de défense +1</a><hr>";
$msg.="<br>$jeton jetons";
2005-01-12 16:28:19